Porting 302's

A-bomb, I think your missing the point. The OP was looking for some advice on his 302s. I dont know the first thing about them. But instead of helping the guy out, you have turned this into a "hey look at me" fight and hijacking this guys thread. I dont think the OP wants to hear about it, and correct me if I am wrong, he just wants to make his car run the best it possibly can. I am a J head guy and my Junk runs over 120 in a 3500 a body, good for me but doesnt help the OP.

Back to our regularly scheduled program. Hysteric, I found that porting heads can be easy and fun. Especially when you see the MPH numbers your new motor generates. I use a Makita porting tool that I plug into a variable speed source from Grainger and I have an assortment of bits to grind with. I then sand paper roll the ports to finish them off. My first set of J heads flowed 260 cfm and I had no prior experience. I encourage you to go out and start whittling away on your heads, I think you will be pleasantly surprised. I recommend the J heads, but If you have the 302s already then use them in good health. I dont have any pics of my tool set up but if you need some pics I will take some today and post them. A good friend of mine and master head porter showed me the tool set up and gave me the same advice I am giving you.

Remember this isnt personal, I think too many people are quick to take offense. We are all here for the same reason. The love of the A body. Take care and good luck.