Who owns the cat....

Ok everyone, I was watching the animal planet last night, and a show about cats was on. There was this BIG, and I mean BIG cat, about 30# on there in the vets office getting a checkup. As the vet was checking him over he called him by name... "MOPAR". At first I thought my ears were deceiving me, but the vet said his name about 15 times. I was anxiously waiting for the owner to pick up the cat and take him out to the car, but it never happened. Does anybody here own this cat???. I know he is probably a C-body owners cat, as an A body would probably be too small to get him into, but I thought maybe some of youse with droptops or fastbacks might have the room for him to ride along!!! Cool cat too, triple TX9 Black with 2 tone grey highlights!!! Party on all, Geof

I saw that episode,they had a roadrunner with a tunnel ram the owner and his wife race,they showed the car in one scene,it was pretty cool.