What's for breakfast this morning, guys?

The whats for supper tonight guys thread is great. So I gotta ask what's for breakfast this morning guys? It's a little late in the day, but Sunday is the only day that I get to sleep in.

It's been many years since I've had bacon in my life (sorry JR), and while at Costco this week I bought a 3 pack of bacon. Now I'm no cook so the first 6 strips turned out extra crispy. Still good but not the way I like it. So I cooked up another 6 strips. This time much better - a good balance between crispy and firm. Followed that with 5 eggs - sunny-side up. I cut up a fresh tomato in 1/4's and got out 2 long green onions, a few radishes and celery. Then I took 3 slices off the Cracker Barrel brick of marble cheese. Toasted up a few slices of multi-grain bread that I made last night in the Black & Decker breadmaker. Since I don't drink warm liquids, I had a nice 12oz glass of Minute Maid orange juice.

MMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmm. My belly is now a happy, full belly. lol Now I gotta go clean the kitchen. Ick!!!

So what did y'all have for breakky?


When you posted this I caught it at the top and new it was time to make my belly happy :happy10: I was hungery :cheers:
I jumped up and had left over's =P~
I kissed the ham first then made a pair of over easy myself :happy10:
one slice of 100% wheat and blue berry Jelly and those little whinier things

Great thread Wylde1 :thumbrig:

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