What did you get from Santa?

Let's seee......I got a couple of Beatles Anthology cd's, James Gang Thirds & Steppenwolf Live cd's (I've been wanting those), This Is Spinal Tap DVD, My Classic Car Muscle Mopars DVD, a couple of pink flamingo tree ornaments, a hand impact driver (probably return it, already have 2 of them, LOL), a zip shut pouch with sockets etc. to carry in my dd (it needs them), my Mom was able to drive the 260 or so miles to spend a week or so with us (she's 80 & still going strong). Grandma got the kids a Wii. Oh, and somebody brought a fricken BLIZZARD with 40+ mph winds & a foot or more of snow!

All things considered, not bad at all.

See if anybody can beat this. The kids were up at 1:30 this morning checking out what Santa got them. The 2 boys opened a couple of presents & their older sisters convinced them it was too early and they should go back to bed. They slept until 3:30 & then we all had to get up to open presents. I know for a fact that Santa didn't leave our house until around 12:30. LOL The wife & I had to go back to bed this morning for a nap.