new hobby/side work

well yah, see I kinda just like doing it for fun. after I painted the dart I was determined to see what I could do with a real set-up. So I bought a good compressor which my 1st paint job paint for and a some new guns/hoses...plumbed it all in, and my buddy owns a harley shop and he gave me an extra tank and fender to test out on and try spraying a few parts.... so I did a fat tank flat black and a fender a nice deep black/clear... more just to test the guns and my little paint booth. But everything turned out bitchen!!! looks like glass no runs no orange peel... but i did have a slight dust problem but nothing a litle 1500-2000 and buff wont handle.
All and all people around here charger about 700+$$$ for a standard 1 color tank/2 fenders and im doing a sportster rite now for about 300 for a buddy since he just wanted a quick 1 day macco type jobb. Its just fun for me though, I have a few coming up more in the $600 doller range, and material cost for me is about 200-250 for paint...