Bucket seat back upholstery

I covered one of my 66 Cuda seat backs last night, my first try at bolstered type upholstery. I had to fight the listing wires quite a bit so I spaced on getting a photo of that part of the install. I started by gluing the fabric skirt to the new foam and taking measurements for the hog ring locations from the old foam. Once I had those marked, I used an ice pick to get an overall depth of the foam. Once I had those marked off, I chalked lines on the new foam where I cut the listing channels. You want to keep about 1/2 inch of material intact when you cut these, so I put depth measurements on a paint stick to check it. The toughest part was getting the listing wires hog ringed. It turned out O.K. but could probably be better. If any of you have experience with these or a more efficient or just plain better way to go about this job, please let me know, I have one more seat back and two seat bottoms to do yet!!!

old seat upholstery sm.jpg

seat foam sm.jpg

old back rest foam.jpg

ring location new foam.jpg

checking foam depth with pick.jpg

checking depth with stick.jpg

lines chalked.jpg

listing wires installed.jpg

covered seat back.jpg