Where can I find a mopar babe?

I met mine at high school, got married, 30 years and 2 boys later still going strong. Beautiful Greek girl (you know what they say about greek girls (WINK WINK). The first car we bought for her back in school was a 72 dart. Now she has a restored 67 DART CONV. Wish I could drive it !!!!!!!!!

Oh what DO they say about greek girls?
Do tell lol.

I have a mopar girl,as mopar as they come.
Has the mopar ' M' tattood on an 3 pentastars in there blue
colouring as well.
The lady is crazy lol.
She doesnt know how to wrench,but has a thing
for the 'christine' car. An in general apreciates
she dont do car talk,which is the way i like it anyhow.
Its like sitting there talking about make up to your missus,
it just aint right lol.