Do shops still sabotage cars for profit?

I work in my backyard and at other peoples shops when I can. The shops I go work at don't just let anyone walk in the door and touch their dream vehicle's. First off if you work in your backyard you better treat people right and you better know what you are doing and if you make a mistake you better be able to admit it, and do what it takes to make it right. Workin on these old car's is an art and if you ain't an artist then you are in the wrong profession. I'm not a professional and nor do I want to be, there are plenty that want' me to work on their cars but few I want to work for.There are a few diffrent types of customers to deal with and as an artist or a mechanic or a body man you should know the diffrence.There are the car owners that tell you up front that they want perfection,they are the ones you want' to do your best for and when you work for them you give them your best,you don't cut corners you dont fudge stuff you make it better than the factory did.then their are the ones that want perfection for way less than what you have in time for less than what it is worth(do not work for these people unless it is your friend of many years and you can trust them with your life)they are great if they are your true friend(I have many like that and it is a blessing to be able to do something in return for their friendship and generosity)and then there is the guy that has heard of your work and want's it but only pretends to be a friend or to have the money to pay you for your work......BEWARE OF THAT ONE! Don't take on a job you can't do to perfection in the customers eyes(or in your eyes) if you do a job for free for an old ladie to help her out, do it for love of helping someone in need not for some other reason. There is nothing wrong with doing a job to help someone,But do the job right and be proud of it. BEWARE of the ones that take advantage.this will be a challenge for all of us to figure out which is which.DO GOOD WORK and it will be easy to figure out.......Wagg's