Clutch Recommendation

I guess the sorry taste that I have for Center Force comes from what I was told by their tech staff and the experience that I have in my business. Centerforce tech line told me NOT to pull a trailer until after the 500 mile break in period. If I did pull a trailer and slipped the clutch the clutch would never seat and would continue to slip and my warranty would be voided. On the other hand I talked to Peter at South Bend..and he said to put the clutch in and go tow the trailer. He also said the best break in was in stop and go traffic. For the higher rpm holding maybe but you try holding the power/torque of a modified Cummins diesel in the lower rpm wont do it. If it does it wont last long. Yes I know I am trying to compare apples to oranges...but from my past history with them I have NO use for them...

P.S. This is where I have my South Bend Clutch.. Twin turbo'd slightly modified Cummins...

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