Does anyone here use classic car insurance?

I have checked with everyone of the classic car insurance companies and none of them will cover your car if it's daily driven (mine is daily driven from April through November). I don't care so much about premiums and would be very willing to pay the same premium as an equivalent value new car but they all say they don't do that.

Lots of folks have suggested that I do it anyway and make up some sort of story if something should happen while driving to work. That constitutes insurance fraud and could easily cost my government clearance and job so I am stuck with conventional insurance and won't recover my investment if something was to happen.

If anyone has found a company that will offer an agreed value policy that does not have driving restrictions please let me know.

I was going to go with Hagerty but I waited to long to get back with them. My car is garage kept and locked but it's a daily driver if I want it to be. I want the freedom to drive where ever when ever I want. They were cheap that's for sure. Doing the estimate on there website I put a value on my car at $12,000 and it was like $266 a year.