Do shops still sabotage cars for profit?

I have to agree with you. Every person is different and they all have their opinions and perspectives. That's why I work on the straight & narrow. Hard enough making money, no sense pissing off your bread & butter. But EVERY job has it's right & WRONG way of doing business. Ever watch that $7 an hour guy make sandwhichs in a fast-food place? They put on gloves, handle your food, then they take that wad of money that came from Gawd knows where, and handle it with that gloved hand that just made your sandwhich with! I've walked out of places after asking for my money back after watching that happen and I've never had a store manager argue with me yet on that point.....

Yeah, dealing with the public can be challenging. :-D

I agree with everything in this statement.

I have walked out of sandwhich shops b/c of that.

I wish everyone would work on the straight and narrow. Just show up on time, do what you are supposed to do, and don't lie to me. Why can't people just say what they mean, and do what they say? And that should apply to everything. I have friends that are single, and they won't ask a girl out because they don't know if she feels the same way. How could you know if you don't ask?

And as for working with the public, my wife works at the public library and tells some wild storys about her day. Its a free service and people complain, old men hit on her, they won't bring books back. Its unreal, I'm just glad I don't have to do it.