Do shops still sabotage cars for profit?

I'm a Chrysler and Hyundai certified tech, have been doing it since '75 mostly with Chrysler but recently with Hyundai as well. We tell the customer they will be getting a free inspection when their car goes in the shop. I don't top off any fluids in that inspection but I will check them and anything else that is common wear and tear as well as scheduled maintenance items.

I won't sell you stuff that's not needed but there is a difference between needed and scheduled. Hyundai says to replace the timing belt on most vehicles at 48 months or 60,000 miles whichever comes first. Some people get mad when I suggest this, will their timing belt last more than 60K? Probably but if it doeasn't Hyundai won't pay for the engine under it's powertrain warranty if you haven't had it replaced with a Hyundai belt. Same goes for fluid changes, if you don't do them as scheduled you are SOL.