do you know the history of your car?

I bought my GTS convertible from the second owner in 1983. He bought it in 1970. This gave me most of the history, but one day I was looking through the original owner's manual. It listed the original owner's name (who I have never been able to locate) and when/where it was first sold. That's where the story gets interesting. The car had a SPD of 8/28/67, but was first sold in May 1969 from Northwestern Dodge in Detroit. Bruce, the second owner, bought it in Feb 1970 from Van Ness Dodge in San Francisco.

My 89 Turbo GTC convertible (one of 906 built) has an interesting history, too. I don't know how many owners between the first and me (based on the story I was given there were probably two, maybe three), but the first owner lived about a mile south of me on the same street, but you can't get there straight (there's railroad tracks in the way).