Timing help!!

Thanks octane junkie,i did use a piece of wire it didn't prove to be to accurate for me.I invested in a vac gauge and a digital timing light.I pulled no 1 plug and used the bump the starter method,my rotor lined up right inline with the no 1 cylinder.Started the car and it ran crummy.I set my initial at 19.5 and my timing came in at 36 total.My overall was 52.I set my carb and got 22inch vac (started at 3inch! so that part is good) Idle is 930.Drove the car and it pinged so i put a 3/32 allen wrench into the vac on my M/P dist and turned it 1/2 inch clock wise which was as far as it went ,it stopped at that point ,i drove the car and it still ping a little so i took a break because i am kinda stumped!