Poll: The Wife, or the car???

The car!! Fstforward hit the nail on the head!! I don't have kids so, she would be out of here, if I had to make a choice. Now if I needed to sell the to save her life well, that might change things. But if she told me it's her or the car...I would help her pack!!!:-D But that's just me!! :burnout:

Hence, that is why I live alone(well, 24 yr old son living here and 20 yr old moving back in for a short while).

I now have my dream job(well, have had it for the last 14.5 yrs), am working on paying all my bills down to totally manageable, have been considering raising the garage roof so I can fit a 4 post lift in there, or at least a 2 post. Peoples ask me if I will get married again, I give them a resounding "no". But then again, I am jaded because I spent ~20 yrs with a f___ing psycho *****. I have a couple of lady friends for when the need arises, but they understand the situation and that I am looking for nothing long term.

Happily Divorced!!!