Poll: The Wife, or the car???

My ex did her damnedest to ruin me in every way, although, neither of us, nor our lawyers, ever had to spend a day in court. We did work things out thru offers and counter offers. My complete attorney's fees in my divorce were $1600. Now, as far as alimony...er...spousal support and child support, the good old state of Pa told me I had to give her $3400 per month, $1000 being spousal support, and $2400 being child support.

the spousal support can only be ordered for 2 years in Pa, so when it went away @ midnight 1-January-2005, I cracked the seal on a bottle of Wild Turkey 101 and proceeded to celebrate my freedom until not a drop was left in the bottle!!! Glad I had a designated driver.

As someone stated, there ARE plenty of fish in the sea, and I use unbarbed hooks and am strictly on a catch and release basis. Not looking to bring any home on a permanent basis, that's for sure. It's taken me too long to get back on my feet financially to throw it all away again, as I am soo prone to making mistakes.