Sand-blasting cabinets?

I am currently building one from 2 sheets of 4x8 3/4 ply and some 2x4. Just stuff I have laying around.It's wonderfull the plans that you can find on the net for free! With just a bit of digging around I have managed to fill 2 binders with plans of various shop projects.Sandblasting cabinet,pressurized sand blaster(paid for that one),tubing bender,flow bench etc etc etc etc.

I usually have enough gas for an hour or two each day,so I always have a project I can drop whenever I want.Right now the pieces are all cut out except for the legs and cleats.I'll try to get some pics but we have a new cam (canon SD980 ELPH) and I dont have a clue how to use it,lol.

Thats awesome I didnt even think about building out of wood always thougth about metal.

Do you have the links to the plans. I think i will just pm you.

This is a great thread and one that I have in the past wanted but never bought.

That 60 gallon one from Toolz Unlimited that someone posted is really nice looking and not a bad price on it at all. I may have to look into that or when I get a welder build one just another way of using the welder lol.

Keep us posted on this and Im off to pm you about the plans. I like projects.