Plasma or LCD?

Thanks Guys, I'm trying to figure out what to buy to replace my 15 year old Toshiba 35" tube TV.

You guys are no help..................LOL I'm as confused as ever

I think I will get a LCD, really thought about a Sony, but the guy at HH Gregg said the Samsung and Panasonic plasma would be best for color.

I doubt any of the new TV's will last the 15+ years my current TV has worked.

Everything I have read state the life will be between 5,000 + 10,000 hours

One new thing I seen at Best Buy this past week was the resolution or something like that, one TV was 80,000 and the next one that look just like it was 100,000 and seen one in th paper today that was only 15,000. I understand this will change the picture quality, but just how much do you need for a good picture?

Everyone used to say get a 1080, then it was a 1080P 120 hz, now 1080 p 240 hz LED or LCD

For the average TV veiwer is a 1080P 120 Hz LCD equal or better than the old tube TV?

I don't game, watch much sports or movies, mainly sitcoms and the news, not much rapid movement there.