muffler choices

rumblefish360: so thats how aerochambers sound without any crossoverpipe i gues from the sound?
thats just the sound im looking for, already have aerochambers on my duster but i built my exhaust with an x pipe and to be honest im sick of the sound of the x-pipe however it still sounds great at an idle, if thats the sound without an x pipe you showed,then i know wish way im going as soon as i have my duster rolling again with the screwblown 340 :) my 340 may be alitle more radical (both performance and sound) than your 400 but i kind of get a good feeling from this :)

but flowmasters for someone who dont want to wake up a calm neighbourhood sounds crazy to me, i had 40 series deltaflows and those could realy wake up the dead when fitted to a fairly strongruning 340 even when driving carefully, but i did not have any crossoverpipe of any kind, i did however have full tailpipes

What don't you like about the sound with an X pipe?