big block A's

That pic I posted is not of my engine. The dipstick I had didn't appear to be the correct one for the car, so I bought a regular BB dipstick tube and made if fit, (as far as getting around everything and ending up in a place that was reachable). The mounting tab on the tube did not line up with anything. I also bought a BB dipstick, but the handle is not like the one in the pic.

Still looking for the correct dipstick and tube- but I like swedefish's idea to make one.

Can someone out there answer how far the dipstick is supposed to go into the block?

Whether I stick with what I have, or make a dipstick tube, knowing that would help me determine the dipstick length needed.

As far as the throttle cable, I could provide that info but you would have to follow up with me in the spring as the car is in storage.