Prayers Needed

Some of you might know I am a cat person. Well this morning, I had to take my youngest cat Snicklefritz to the Vet, and they kept her.

She has a high fever, she has been rapidly loosing weight and this morning she woke me up screaming before she "yarked" all over the kitchen floor. As soon as the kids we on the bus to school, David and I called the animal hospital and we were on our way. Snicklefritz has lost over 1/2 her body weight since her last regular visit around 3 weeks ago, and most of that in the last 3-4 days. She is only an inside cat, she never has been out of the house except to go to the vet for her regular visits.

I just called to check on her for the 2nd time, and they are going to hook her up to IV's for the second time and run some tests. I am worried sick! Snicklefirtz is my lil girl.

Please keep her in your prayers. O:)


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