Prayers Needed

We are animal people. My wife and I named our cat Mopar, and our dog Dodger.

Thank you Phil.

We have 6 dogs and 2 of them are Parvo surivors so I feel your pain. Keep you sprits up.
Thank you. The Doc isn't sure what is causing her illness, yet. last call to the vet said she was still on IV's and resting.

That is a really cute cat you have. My wife and I are cat lovers too. We have six cats. My prayers to your kitty.
Yes, she is beautiful and full of life. . Her personality is Spunky,"I am the queen. Worship me while I spin figure 8's around your feet." Thank you Galactic_eyes.

prayers sent
Thank you prodart340.

She's a cutie for sure. I'm an animal lover all the way. Got 2 cats myself (even though they're with the ex-gf). Prayers away. Hoping for the best.

Thank you Wilde1

My wife and I are animal lovers. We have 2 cats. They are part of the family. Prayers sent for a full recovery.

Fred B
Thank you Fred.

Thoughts And Prayers Headed Ur Way........bob
Thank you Bob.

Prayers sent, Mary. The wife and I are serious cat lovers. Just rescued 2 more strays last night.
Thank you catsncudas.

my oldest girl said she is going to be like the cat lady on the simpsons. hope your cat gets better.als sammy is the big one larry bird is the black one we had 14 cats at one time
Those are nice looking cats, alsdeamon, thank you.

I am very sorry to hear this Mary. Prayers are on their way for little Miss Snicklefritz
Thank you Cheryl.

Hope your little kitty recovers fully. While I'm a dog person myself I have nothing against cats and have had a few myself. Our pets become part of our families and we grow attached to them. I certainly feel your pain.
Thank you Guitar Jones.. Love you Avitar by the way... Bill the cat is my Favorite!!

Animals and me go way back Mary
Prayers sent and and be strong
Thank You Mike. That means a lot to me and the family.

Yes, Snicklefritz and her Big brother Stitch are like my babies. When we came back from taking Snicklefritz to the hospital, Stitch searched the house, meowing for her and looking everywhere. Then... he sniffed my snow boots and realized I had been to that place that
ALLOWED D O G S ! (Stitch hates dogs, he growls at them when they go past the house... no offense to all you dog lovers out there!)

Stitch is now sleeping on her rug by the heater. He misses his baby sister.

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