Fastback gas tank removal

My comment jumped forward -re gas tank floor gasket access - - sorry... i was referring 2 REPLACING the filler tube on a FB once the tank is removed witch as sum have stated and agree here -A simple chore - just get the car up high enuff - -Redfish must have had the car on the front bumper -extracting tank with tube attached - even so i cant imagine - passing the FB BENT TUBE pipe thru the body brace maze without serious - damage 2 either philler pipe or your back -Notch and Convertable - are straight pipes and even easier - tucking the tank back in can b done with the tube in place - - alil grease helps on the inside of rubber tank seal - rocking back and forth - pushing at same time - wiggles it into place - sound erotic eh? dont forget your insul- mat between tank and body - - like the nut & bolt- diagram -joke - not without a washer - tankz