Speeding ticket rant

All of these are things you can change ,judges are elected so are county and state sheriffs . Run against them on a platform of cleaning out the corrupt local law and most of your neighbours will vote against them ,You have so much unused powewr in small town areas compared to the major metro areas all you need to do is grow a pair and organize , In my time in michigan I beat a ticket from a state cop for following him at 90 0n I127 by argueing I thought my speedo was wrong surely a cop wouldn't drive that fast for no reason with no lights on how could I be speeding if I was following him , The Ingham county judge smiled and said" get your speedo checked I would really rather not see you again Mr West case dismissed" . When they pull crap like the private property nonsense go to the Federal court in your district {Battle Creek for those of you in mid michigan }and demand to charge them with operating an ongoing criminal enterprise under the federal racketeering statutes aka the RICO act as US citizens you have a right to access the Federal courts and file private prosecution cases against your crooked local authorities . Any time there is more than one person involved ie a cop -a prosecutor or even a cop and his watch commander you have a conspiracy under federal law , I dragged my ex-wife down there against a judge and a former prosecutor operating a collection agency regarding a debt from her first marriage after they seized our joint account for the 3rd time in 16 months I had documented proof that the judge was rubber stamping orders that allowed him to seize 140% apr in interest and fees -LOAN SHARKING the court accepted her paperwork with the judges signature on it and sent us back to the judges court after calling her to discuss her error and recomending she adjust her orders to bring them in line with federal law .{ they don't want everybody exorcising their right so they will try to facilitate an of the record settlement } The original debt was erased and a refund of all monies collected above the legal limit at the time .
Back to speeding there are several people out there who have written books on how to beat the radar and a bad cop { like the one mentioned in Wa } among them is a former cop operating as "Cop Busters"{ I may be off on the name but I beleive he is based in the south west } most systems for beating a speeding ticket rely on filing several disclosure demands against the officer involved ie .. did his training include a degree in electronics? radar guns are sensitive electronic devices placed in the hands of someone who's IQ and psyc profile scores are low enough to serve in law enforcemant in the first place { they really don't hire anyone smart enough to question the legality of his actions , they tend not to follow orders blindly }.When was the last time a licensed tech from the manufacturer tested the unit that was used against you etc... find these books and read them I know it seems like a losing proposition to lose a days pay or two fighting but it's not you will pay for that ticket for years to come in insurance costs even if it's your first and you get forgiveness from your insurance you have still lost your cushion . You have so much at your disposal to fight back but it's easier to bend over and take and that's what they thrive on and that's how the laws keep getting tougher -Grow a Pair and Fight Back or they will keep on taking more every year.

PS .The Federal 55mph was dropped because after 20 years the stats showed no drop in the accident rate and an actual increase in the death rate%. funny thing is michigan was a 10 over state before the change back and last I was ther they were tagging you for 5 over so the net speed people drove was the same -73mph with the cruise on was always safe -if you want to know who the cops lawyers and judges are on this site watch the flaming begin