Speeding ticket rant

got a ticket last year for 30 over and it cost me almost 400 dollars, and my insurance almost doubled 90 to 160 so that is 840 bucks a year. so far that ticket has cost be well over a thousand dollars and my ins company said I may start to see a drop in my rate in about 3 yrs so all in all that sucker will cost me about 3k minimum realistically over 4. And yes I have called every major ins. company for quotes. Also there is no chance of me getting full coverage on a car got a quote the other day for an 04 evo and it was 700 a month. Yes it was my fault Im an idiot I was going to fast but come on I honestly would rather have gotten arrested for burglary went to jail did some community service and got my record sealed than had to suffer the financial burden I am now.