360 main bearing differences by years?

Pic 1 is a 74 and up bearing in rear and 71-73 in front.
As you can see the 74 and up has a taller thrust flange.

Pic 2 is the same bearings opposing each other. Easier to see the flange width difference.

Pic 3 A genuine 1972 360 #3 main cap. You can see the machining for the flange to sit.

Pic 4 is the 74 and up bearing on the #3 cap. You can see the the flange covers most of the recessed area on the main.

Pic 5 is a 71 - 73 bearing mounted on the same #3 cap. You can real well in this pic how much smaller the flange is.

I think that the bearing changed in 74 when they started putting 360s in A bodies. You could get a standard tranny in the old A body. Prior to 74 they only came in large c body type cars which did not come with a manual transmission. So a larger thrust surface is need when you have a manual transmission.

As a side note. I was running the pictured 74 and up bearing in my 72 360 just fine and by accident. So I think it is safe to use the 74 up bearings regardless of the year of motor, or so it appears... 8)





