Dana 60 vs Ford 9"

Ok, lets say you have a 9 inch housing and a Dana housing.

9 Inch-

A nodular iron center with spool and gears ready to bolt in, costs $1295-$1355 through Moser. Add the price of Axels from Moser $315 and wheel bearings and 1/2 in. studs, $100. $1750-$1810 bare minumum for a reliable 9in. not including housing work, narrowing, bracing and such.

Dana 60-

Axels $315 wheel bearings $100. Spool, $210. Ring and pinion using street gears in both, $190 for 4.88's. Set-up kit $120. $935 bare minumum to fill a Dana housing.

9-in.- $1750-$1810

Dana 60- $935

Roughly twice the cost.

This doesn't include the cost of yokes and housing ends but those are the same for each and all prices are straight for Moser's website.

I'll take a bullet-proof Dana please.