Happy Birthdays for 16 January

Happy Birthday, Mary!!! And remember, it's not another year, it's only one day older than yesterday and one day younger than tomorrow!
Have a great day and I hope that old curmudgeon makes your day extra special.
Thank you ocdart :happy10:

Happy Birthday Mary!You are Xceptional!LOL!
Thank you Scott. One bag of pop corn coming up, extra butter! {come to the Mopar Lounge after 8 pm Folks, you don't know what your missing :toothy10::toothy10::toothy10: }

May 2010 be the most blessed year ever for you and David

Thank you BWDart, David said thanks. too! 8)

Hope you have a special one Mary.

Thank you Noel, You are a dear friend

Happy Birthday All

A bunch of you today!

powerwaggin (54)
Xcptshnl1 (45)
70GT (41)
67modart (39)
URDUST73 (29)
demon340v (25)
dodgescatpack (24)
green71scamp (20)

Happy b/day (you so funny)Mary and all yawl i,ve yet to meet have a good one

Thank you Tony for the well wishes and

Happy birthday to my fellow Capricorns:

powerwaggin (54)
70GT (41)
67modart (39)
URDUST73 (29)
demon340v (25)
dodgescatpack (24)
green71scamp (20)

May you have a wonderful day, too!!.

~Mary, The Exceptional One
