Sound deadening Material on the Cheap.

I have gotten alot of ideas for sound deadening on this site which is great but i wanted to see if anyone has used the pad that goes under house carpet? The reason I ask is because I am currently finishing up 2 projects. Installing a console and hardwood flooring in my house. So i literally have a ton of the padding sitting next to a duster without carpet...

Its about 1/2 inch or less thick and is actually somewhat dense.

Anyone try this? I was thinking maybe using some of the dynamat type material first and then gluing down some of this padding on large flat areas.

What do you think?

Foam padding from home carpet is a definite no go. When it gets hot, it smells like hell.

Jute works very well, but it does absorb moisture. I used a ½" layer of jute under the normal stuff in the Dart. It added less than 10 lbs to the car. The car is quieter than before, almost no road noise. I got the stuff at a fabric store.

The old 5th Avenue M-bodies used to have some sort of foam packed in the floor under the carpets. That may work out for you.