First 'Major' ticket

i recently got my first ticket in 15+ years, was taking dad out for a ride in the dart, went over a hill at 72 in a 35 and cop was cresting the hill in the opposite direction at the same time as me. I knew he had me dead to rights so I just pulled over into a driveway at the bottom of the hill and waited for him to come back around, had all paperwork out and waiting for him and was real polite and friendly about it. Since I didn't make him chase me he wrote the ticket up as 60 in a 35, it saved me $80 on the payout. He also made me open the hood so he could check out the motor.
I make it a point to be REAL friendly and polite to my local officers. I'm the only guy in my little municipality that regularly drives old, loud vehicles so they know who I am anyway so being a jerk or rude to them is only going to make life way more difficult. I always wave at them in passing and if I see them in person make it a point to say hello or good evening. They always wave back and I've never been unduly hassled and all my other experiences with them have been very good.

I also always make it a point to give the cops a friendly wave when I am in town. My dad was a cop and they are just people doing a job. I haven't had a ticket in years and usually don't really speed much but for those times when I safely play a bit I want to make sure that if I do they know I am friendly.