First 'Major' ticket

I'm from Ontario also and my son doesn't seem to know when to let off the pedal either... lol...Here's what you need to do, set things up like you are going to fight it, show up on court date early and find the Crown who has got your case and talk to him or her before court starts explain to them that this is your first ever bad ticket and was way out of caracture for you and will never happen again and ask them to reduce charge for a guilty plea. I know this sounds too easy but it is done every day. It's cheaper for the court to have a guilty plea than a trial. You will then not have to fabracate some kind of BS defence which everyone will know to be BS anyway. You will keep yourself honest and self respecting rather than just getting wrapped up in a big LIE!!!
We did this for my son and charges were reduced to 15/km over and 2 points alot cheaper on your insurance rates.
Also you have learned a big life leason....Speed Is For The Track