First 'Major' ticket

As for insurance: there's nothing to be done about it. The insurance cartel in this province is criminal. We almost got public auto insurance in ON a few years ago like they have in BC, and it would've saved us a whack of money, but nooooooo, because the insurance companies launched a massive, high-dollar, successful propaganda campaign against it, even as they were pretending to be cash-starved and poverty-stricken. :roll:

Just for the record, I'm in BC and what we have can't be any better than what you have there. We have ICBC, a Government Agency or Crown Corp, some sort of Government run hell and as criminal as it gets :munky2:

Like everyone else said, dispute it and see what happens. My son disputed a ticket years ago and the judge dropped it because the cop failed to identify him before rambling on so you never know. It can't hurt to go, other than you are admittedly guilty and thus just wasting tax payer dollars, but that's another story altogether and I live in a glass house so I best not cast any stones :-D