Good afternoon Gentlemen!

I just stumbled across this site a day ago, looks to be a very nice site with alot of helpful forums. My name's Kenny, live in florida, own a 69' valiant , owner of my tire shop has a 69 cuda, drag car, 440. Also own a 78 trans am, with a fuel inject. corvette motor, (wife's car) glad to be a part of what hopes to be a nice group. You guys have some VERY beautiful toys! I kinda got off on the wrong foot here, apparently some people here think that im just here to sell stuff. Not the case at all. Didnt mean to piss in anybody's cornflakes, so I Apolijize if I came off as a prick. Just dont like it when people judge me before they welcome me, that's all. Look forward to reading and seeing your guy's builds!:pottytra: