Small block strength

Based on what you all have seen, which small blocks have:

1. the thickest main bearing saddles/webbing? (In a magazine article linked on this site there was an older 318 being built up and it looked like it could be fitted with 4 bolt mains!?) As mentioned, A total waste of time on any stock production mopar block except maybe a T/A

2. the thickest cylinder walls? (I think someone already voiced their opinion on an '89 LA 360 block.) Crapshoot and only way to now is to sonic check a block

3. the most consistent wall thickness or least core shift? (Later blocks because of machining improvements?) Good luck with that... was it a monday, friday or someday in between.

4. the stoutest cam valley? (Did chrysler ever make sb without those huge windows in the cam webbing?)

or is there a book on all this stuff I should pick up?


If you want stout, a factory production block isn't your answer. You'll want an X or R block.

Some books are good, some are horrible. I mean, one says you can't use a stock block over 400hp... total hogwash!