Stumble issue

Did you blow the carb orfices out with carb cleaner and compressed air ?
One spec of dirt in the wrong place can dog any carb.

Stumble from a complete stop usuaslly is related to the pump.Might be you need to replace yours.They are available from Edelbrock.

Are you getting a good shot of gas when you hit the throttle,and is it instant ?

How did you measure your floats ?
I usually set mine a tad higher than what they ask for.

Yep, I cleaned it out. With the car off and manually twisting the throttle it seems to me like it gets a nice shot of fuel and it looks instant. I used a 7/16" drill and just used a 6" rule to measure the drop. I understand that it could be the pump when it bogs off thr line, but what about when Im cruising at very light throttle and I can feel it stumbling? Thanks for your patience and helping me out guys.
