"Converter change" how much improvement...

I went from a Mopar perf. converter that stalled about 2200 to a PTC 11" that stalls 3000 and it made a huge difference. In fact it roasted the tires so bad after I put in the PTC I had to get drag radials. With the MP converter it ran 14.30's. With the PTC it runs 13.50's. The drop in e.t's was mostly from the converter because it never spun hardly at all with the MP converter and stock radials so it wasn't the drag radials that dropped the times that much.

Fish, thats good to hear, if you noticed that much of an improvement from a 2200 too a 3000, i can only amagin how much difference i'll see going from a stock unit, you say you needed DRs after the converter install, well i'm roasting these MT DRs with a stock converter lol, i have the pressure at 20, every time i get on it hard from a roll it leaves nice marks, so this magnums makeing power somewhere :-D.