My Mother Passed Away Tonight....

Normally I would respond to you all in kind... Right now I will not say that " I lack the spirit" as I'd most likely get a good kick in the *** by mom, lol. She'd say "Get the heck up and you don't even know what a hard life is! I lived a long life and a good life to have ten children of which you were the last. Oh and BTW, I just sent you a quilt (yes, the day before she died my brother ran out to the nearest town, 24 miles away to send it out) and if you let the dogs sleep on it your dead." Actually she said that to me about a week ago. I guess the quilt goes in a box. :) Oh and yes, if you don't help these nice people who helped you on that interent thing, you're dead. :) LOL.

You gotta love mom. She was a piece of work... Only my Dad, an EX Marine fro WWII could handle her, lol. I'm sure he has built her a house by the lake in heaven, just like they both wanted. May God bless their souls for all they have done for me, my family and my country.