Methanol/Water injection

Hang on now... I'm not on all the time.. This is the first I've seen of your thread!


Water/methanol injection is like magic!! Ok... not really... here is how it works.

Way back in world war ll we were having trouble keeping up with the Germans with their planes... To put it nicely.. We were getting our but kicked!!! because our planes had a lower ceiling(how high they could fly, limited by power and detonation resistance ect.) and were slower. Until someone had the great idea to inject water into the engine to keep the engine from detonating(pre-ignition) by acting like a heat sink. also have you ever tried to burn water? it doesn't work to well so it has the side benefit of slowing down the tendency to fire on its own (think compression ignition like a deisel). Their is a name for that but it escapes me at the moment. If this was not enough it also burns cleaner and keeps your combustion chamber clean(further minimizing the chance for pre-ignition). So needless to say the Germans didn't figure out our trick till after the war and we won.

Onto Automotive applications. All the above properties make it great for people looking to run high compression (boost especially) and make more power on lower quality gas. With Boost the water injection practically makes miracles happen. And I don't see any reason why it wouldn't work just as well on N/A engines. The only problem with using it to run lower quality Gas is that you CANNOT RUN OUT OF WATER!!!!!!!! or you can pretty much kiss your engine goodbye. The Methanol adds a extra measure of fuel and changes things up a bit. but just plain water should work just fine with 12.5/1. But you have to actually squirt it not just use vacuum to get the most benefit. I would say Call up Snow performance and ask them what they would suggest for your application. I know the info might be a little biased because they sell it, but they are the leaders in water/methanol injection. Just make sure you talk to a tech not a sales person. after that you could either buy a kit or make your own system. here is a link to a page that tells you how and what parts you need. then you can run windshield washer fluid or distilled water.

I am building a supercharged SB for one of my Dusters and I will have it on it. I should be able to run 87 with five lbs of boost.

And... That is my opinion.

Hope it helps...


Thanks bjkadron, any input is appriciated, and I will be making some calls. Is any one out their actually using a methanol/water injection system?