My Mopar Girl

Hey Kenny, I saw this when i got on this morning and the thought came to mind that you and i are some of the rarest ducks on the planet, but in a good way. I had to give this some thought before i posted to a very important milestone in your life. Congratulations on a good decision made 36 years ago. I was once ask if i felt as though i were a good judge of character? I never gave it much thought but then the feller explained it to me. Your mate or spouse is the ONLY relative that YOU were be able to pick. If you are a good judge of character then you are still married to her. You seem to fall into that category. Now for the chance to put a feather in your cap. You can pay me later. Go to the music store and buy a CD of Alan Jackson. The one that has "Remember When" on it. You and the wife set down on the couch and play this for her. Let her know that's how you feel. This cuts through ALL the fat. Let me know what you owe me.
Small Block