Jeep Cherokee 8 1/4 to an A body ?

Im not sure on the specs of the jeep rear, but some ratios are 3.55(most commo) and 3.73s, another option i hate to say it is a phord 8.8 yuck.. I have the same issue with my 68 dart it has the 7.25 rear, i also have a phord 8.8 from an exp. I can meassure it for you, and they come with drum or disc 5x4.5 and traction loc LS w/3.55s 0r 3.73s

I would go all mopar, but if you cant find one, and your a cheap azz like me a phord 8.8 may work, they are cheap as well..

post what you find out cuz i wanna do this swap to as well.

