Toyota Troubles!

They maybe allowed to make them here but they are certainly NOT an american based company..
Do you know how many companies today are foreign owned?? start looking, it will surprize you.

What, say to hell with a product made by a foreign owned company, but made/assembled by your next door neighbor, or best friend, or cousin from the midwest?? It puts food on their tables, too, or is that wrong thinking??

I have had numerous "American" cars as company cars over the years, and all of them, absolutely all of them were scrap heap candidates by the time they reached 150,000 miles. And I maintain the vehicles very well. Hell the 2000 Intrepid was a piece of crap by 80k miles. 2 other domestics ate transmissions like they were candy.

I picked up a 2004 Camry as a company car 6 years ago, and put 98k miles on it in the first 3 years, then was offered the car for next to nothing, as my boss was getting out of supplying company cars, so I bought it, and now, 3 years later, it is on the precipice of 180,000 miles and it has had one, count em, one non wear item replaced in the 6 years, a caliper mount hole became elongated, so the mount had to be replaced, $125 plus my sweat for ~30 minutes. Other than that, nothing, brakes, oil changes, a serpentine belt, and wiper blades and tires. I know this is sorta strange, as ANY car will have some problems, hell, they're a machine, and machines wear out/break/have problems.

I'm not saying everyone should rush out and buy one, but when it comes time to buy another car, I will consider a Toyota very seriously, because of the track record of this car,

Face it, Americans make these cars now, almost none of them come over on boats like they used to, and, YES , the profits go overseas, but if you want to completely ignore companies that are foreign owned, good luck finding all your clothing, food, sporting goods, car parts, etc.

Believe me, I look at labels, and try to "buy American" and it gets harder and harder every day, but cars that are over 75% sourced from domestic companies, and assembled/made by American workers qualify as American made to me.