Atlantic nats..

Fellow Fabo's members..

I think we are going to go up..taking my 'stang because we can haul butt in it w/4 seated comfortably. (and a/c).

I think we really was to get the lay of the land vs. being stuck on a field showing the car (even though it is pretty ;> ) . Not sure if I could post a pic of Booh don't want to be tossed off FABO for showing a 'stang. Or can I register and be able to go around. It looks like my son will be racing RC so he really wants to see the shows.

We were thinking of staying at the holiday in express or Hampton this at all close to the action. ?

Is there a "real" auto jumble or is it just silly stuff.

Is it so busy that you cannot swing a cat over your heads.. ?

what is mothers safety lanes ? and how do you do the cruse ins ?

The only cars shows we have been involved in has been british or tiny local..

Can anyone post what to expect ?


Hey Ian,

The wife and I will be going again this year. We usually go to Moncton on Friday afternoon. Last year we stayed at the Comfort Inn on Mountian Road. There are a few other FABO members that stay there to. We were able to park the Demon right outside our room and it wasn't a bad place to stay. Very easy to get to the park from there to. The Mothers safety lanes are where they have a look at your car and see if it pass's the CSRA inspection and they also judge your car there. You are not required do do so but if you do the inspection you are eligable for more prizes.
As far as busy, you can expect to have people walking around most of the day as long as it's not raining. And it can get very hot there. The only time that there is a lineup is first thing in the morning. I know I was parked more than a mile away waiting to get in last year.
On Saturday at supper time a large portion of the Dodge owners head up to Moncton Chrysler Dodge and have a BBQ. They clear out all the new cars and we park facing Mountian Road where the Super Cruise is going on. LeBlanc lives over in Dieppe and is the official unofficial host for us FABO guys.

The wife and I have been going for 3 years now and we have a great time.

We won't rib you to much about a Rustang. LOL
