Toyota Troubles!

Canadian,U.S. governments sold us out years ago- the Japs are smart and RUTHLESS. They knew our politicians were the best that $$$ COULD BUY. Once allowed to invade our market,they targeted the female buying population first. Won their support, knowing that the women would influence their men(the clueless fucks who didn't know a wingnut from a lugnut) and who had no interest in our HERITAGE and about how impt. the automotive industry was for our economy. The Japs knew. They shamelessly copied(STOLE) the best European and North American technology. The asshole dealers sold GM, Mopar and Ford trucks and SUV's on their lots to pay for their Jap dealerships,... And here we are. I've watched this and much,much more and it makes me puke!
We need this generation back! The last 2 were sold out!
Until we see a Jap dealership close,we're losing!

t The snowball just kept growing. The Japs knew. They knew if they could take over the auto industry in North America that our economy would fail. Gov't couldn't see past their assholes-only dollar signs. We need to get the next generation back. They(Japs) stole the last 2!! And next there's China.