Toyota Troubles!

Seems like their is no need for him to buy a Chrysler product as he is happy with his 180k trouble-free Camry ;)

Lets put it this way, the car was a company car, I got an unbelievable deal on it, so I bought it. My goal is to get between 250k and 300k out of it, then get rid of it. @ that time, because I get paid mileage(and do ~20-25k business miles/yr), I should have enough in the car account to pretty much pay cash for my next work vehicle. My goals will be, in no certain order, fuel mileage, comfort, enough room to carry the computer parts I need, space 4 5 people, reliability, quality. I will look @ whatever vehicles fit this bill, regardless of manufacturer. Then peruse the ratings on the vehicles.

I almost bought a Caliber last year, but decided do hold off and run this car into the ground. One of my co-workers bought one, and I drove it, noisy, almost couldn't hear myself think. Cheaply made, dash was cheap, and rattled, fit and finish maybe a 6 on a scale of 10, made me glad I rethought my plans. Now, most of the reviews, and reliability reviews on them are coming out and what is showing up ain't good. SO, if it has that track record, as does the Avenger, has an absolute putrid track record. Why should I rush out and buy one so I can make up my mind, while pouring my money down the drain? I've test driven one and know I couldn';t hack being in that vehicle for 1 year, let alone 6-8 years I need to get out of a vehicle.