Rant;Mancini and shipping

They act like telling you shipping prices over the phone is like pulling teeth.

The salesguy on the phone has to leave the room to go to get a total for your parts you just ordered.
If you don't have the part number in front of you, it's like pulling teeth.

They will ship your stuff missing certain items that they never said were not in stock then get all pissy with you if you call them to say "Thanks for telling me the stuff was not in stock."

They give you an attitude when you ask if certain items are in stock while ordering.

Then they give you the wrong freaking parts! Or inferior parts.

Just this last time, I ordered a 180 degree thermostat and they gave me a freaking 160 degree one.

I ordered U-bolts that came with the nuts that had half of the threads missing from poor quality control.
One nut did not have threads at all.

Yes, I have dealt with them twice and got bad results both times.

If this place wants to advertize in all the mopar mags as one of the top Mopar performance parts suppliers, I strongly suggest they get their act together and send their employees out for some customer service training and quality control because as it stands, nothing has changed and they seem to be pretty much set in their ways of doing crappy business.

I would like nothing more than to say "Yeah man, these guys are the best", but not after getting burned twice.

I'm sure some have had great dealings with them for years, but maybe I just got the crap end of the stick twice in a row.

As a small business owner I realize that things happen that are out of my control but you would figure that if you keep getting calls from dissatified customers you would try to ramp up your efforts to eliminate the recurring problems especially when they can be dealt with so easily with simple preparedness like having a parts list in front of you, a calculator, shipping price sheet, access to in stock inventory, and the cordiality of verifying the parts are in stock.

Makes me wonder if this is a one man operation with ten half naked babies running around while mamma is out shopping for shoes.