Job Profession

**** star. =P~ :downtown:

Ya right.... Ok... I worked as a mechanic for about 6 years or so. left that because the boss wouldn't let us minions do any diagnostics. He test drove everything and we would just do what he told us. So I guess I was a glorified parts changer.
Quit that when a friend was making double my wages doing courier work. I did that for 7 years until I got creamed by a dump truck. 10 months and 1 bankruptcy later letting the bones heal I was ready for work again.
I got into a fiber optics company building test equipment to help y'all download **** faster... err... surf the web faster. Worked my way up to work cell coordinator in charge of 29 people. Then the tech bubble burst and my crew got wiped out. I was put back on the line as a technician and helped the engineers turn a turd of a product into something that actually worked.... Until they would redesign something inside and the next 6 months would be spent troubleshooting. I loved it. It was great and would really make me think under pressure. Then the company downsized and got out of town. The instruments division got sent to a company in France and I spent 4 months training a guy who spoke little english how to do my job. Other jobs were outsourced to China and Thailand.
We had 7 months notice of the closure and a guy I worked with got me into delivering newspapers to stores and malls. I worked the two jobs for 6 months. While delivering the papers I met a driver from another newpaper and he got me a day job picking up the papers that didn't sell and giving stores their credit for the unsold copies. It is boring crappy mindless work, but I came close to earning 6 figures last year. Only Sundays off. No vacation, sick days or holidays. I worked both jobs for 13 months until the pick-ups were cancelled due to a merger with another paper.
So I'm back to doing deliveries and I'm taking the rest of the day off until I look for a second job in the spring. I need to get the money machine rolling again. I'll either go back to courier work for quick cash or take a heavy machinery course (crane operator) or thinking about long haul trucking. I'll do almost anything that pays well. But a challenge would be nice too.
