360 to 408

That much NOS is going to be a block breaker! You can safely add 100HP to a nice 408 pump gas build, but not much more without over building the engine.
We're doing a pump gas 408 right now for CarCraft magazine and it should be between 450-500HP with RHS heads and hyd. comp cam.
It won't be out for a while but once we've dyno'd it I can help with combo (headers-intake-carb).
Most of them we build are 500HP and more but not under 5K.

I was playing around in camquest the other day to see what it said a 100 shot would add in torque to a 408...what I saw scared me.

I have been told that it's pretty accurate, but I am not sure.
If it is, it's no wonder why you see that as the smart limit.