The 70 Duster......

Naming the shop would not help. The shop was a person that worked at bodyshops for a long time and then decided to venture out on his own. He was painting Harley's and wanted to tap into the muscle car business. However, I think he just bit off way more than he could chew and got behind on his personal obligations and wanted to use my car as the reason he got behind, in hopes that I would give him a blank check to finish the car. The car is now in a shop that will take care of the car for me! It may take a little longer to finish than I had hoped for, but that is fine. The reward should be a better end product!

The bad thing this extra time has me thinking about doing a few extra things. Mini tubbing, possible 4 wheel discs...I asked the machine shop to hold off on the basic 360 build and might go with a 408 if the paint comes out really nice. But who knows, give a car guy time to think and we will end up costing ourselves a fortune. This project was started with the idea of making a car just a little nicer than our Dart and being done by this summer. Now, HOPEFULLY it will be finished by the time we move in May-June 2011.