wooff ramcharger Joe

I hope you are doing fine Joe :| we was thinking of you this morning :angel3:
I have had to do the same thing and it was very hard on me :shaking:and the family when my mom past away
I send out a prayer of strength to you at this time ramcharger [-o<
I think you will be arriving home today or tomorrow and Buddy and I wanted to give you a warm welcome back
He has been a blessing from above for me to have in my life :grommit:

I am not sure when you will see this :read2: Just had ya on my mind again this morning 8)

Well hello Buddy! It's good to see you too. :) Thank you guys for the welcome back and prayers.

Yes Joe we have been thinking of you. I hope the celebration of life was just that.

We did our best to carry out her wishes. She lived and died her way and even cancer couldn't take that away from her. She was one of a kind and God surely broke the mold after she was cast. 8)

Joe's been on my mind for the last week too. Not JUST because I finally started working on his Jeep parts either. :-D

Hope all is as good as can be expected right now my friend! Adding to Mike's prayers ........

Thanks CC. I didn't have the heart to say anything here when I got home yesterday but I think I talked Doktor-X's ear off.

Wassup dude? Hope you're ready to take your rightful place again here. We're getting bored without ya.

I should be back to normal here in a few days. I really need to get back into the swing of things.

I was wondering when we're going to Joe's first post back.No rush Joe,take your time,you know we all miss ya and hope things are ok.8)

I just need a little time to "Cowboy Up". Like all wounds, it just take some time to heal. I heard this song on the way to my Mom's funeral. I never heard it before and I think Mom was just letting me know that everything was going to be OK.
