going to give it a shot

i made good money but i missed all the kids school things and was alway being told by the son,s how i made so much money that i need to work for free or do stuff for free like fix there racks and do stocking when they had guys they payed hourly stand around and mock me and push my buttens/ no lunch breaks/ always rush rush rush till my feet was so sore i can,t do anything with my boys on the week end/ or anwser there phone and bill people out while they sat and ate lunch or talk on there cell phone personal stuff but was told to keep my phone in my car. was told to say till six when my job was done at 5.15. so i say take this job and stick it up your a** the worst was do there free rotation and bal. when there hourly guys stand there watching me cause if i did it and somthing went wrong or wheel came off then i had to pay that way they had no liabilaty it was i my ***.